Masterat în Limnologie aplicată în Austria

Universitatea de resurse naturale şi ştiinţe ale vieţii BOKU din Viena organizează studii masterale în domeniul Limnologie aplicată cu începere din 1 octombrie 2011.

Pentru cei interesaţi, aveţi mesajul original în continuare:

“The BOKU – UNIVERSITY of NATURAL RESOURCES and LIFE SCIENCES, Vienna offers a new Master program in

Applied Limnology – Aquatic Ecosystem Management

Contents and course structure:

The 2 years master program (120 ECTS) consists of 5 mandatory (1st semester) and 10 optional modules (2nd, 3rd semester) and a master thesis (4th semester). Students are educated within an interdisciplinary framework of literature review, lectures and field work guided by biologists, ecologists, landscape planners, river engineers, modellers, systems analysts, statisticians, GIS-experts, water managers, lawyers, and historians.

For more information visit the Applied Limnology Coordination Office website

Before registering contact Applied Limnology Coordination Office


Universität für Bodenkultur Wien BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Max Emanuel-Strasse 17
1180 Wien
Programme co-ordinator Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Schmutz”

Author: Horea Olosutean