Doctorat în Ecologie Urbană în Elveţia

Un post de doctorand în Ecologie Urbană la Universitatea din Berna e scos la concurs. Mesajul original e în continuare:

PhD position: urban ecology
A PhD position is available in the Community Ecology group at the
Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland.
The project focuses on the relationship between urban green space area
and ecosystem processes. In a large-scale field experiment in various
towns in Switzerland, diversity patterns of indicator groups such as
pollinators and molluscs will be analysed in relation to habitat
amount and connectivity. In addition, the role of urban green space to
provide ecosystem services will be investigated experimentally.
The position requires a recent diploma or master degree in biology or
a related field. The successful candidate should be highly motivated
and have experience with field experiments. He/she further should have
expertise with the identification of arthropods, molluscs, and/or
plants. Experience with GIS analyses is advantageous. A driving
licence and strong skills in German language are conditional. The
salary is according to the remuneration for PhD students of the Swiss
National Science Foundation. Duration of the project is 3 years.
Interested candidates should send applications as a single e-mail
attachment (pdf) containing a CV, a list of publications, a letter of
motivation and the addresses of two potential referees to Dr. Eva
Closing date for application is 18th February, 2011. Starting date for
the position is 1st April, 2011.”

Author: Horea Olosutean