Doctorat în Germania

Un post doctoral cu bursă e oferit de un institut de cercetări german, pe teme de ecologia peisajului şi modelare matematică. Doritorii au mesajul original în continuare:

“The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ is a research institution within the Helmholtz Association. It provides scientific contributions to the safeguarding of the natural basis of life and of human development potentialities for current and future generations under the challenges of global and climate change. In this way the UFZ contributes towards a sustainable development.

The Department of Computational Landscape Ecology (, invites applications for Ph.D. Student position (m/f) on the topic Analysis of ecosystem service valuations- Code digit 26/2011

The candidate is expected to develop an innovative approach to ecosystem service analysis. This approach is based on statistical analysis of an existing economic database and focuses on the questions of quantifying recent analyses of regional ecosystem services, identification of links between ecosystem services and economic sectors and analysis of the regional income elasticity of ecosystem services.

Applicants for the posts should have a background in scientific fields such as environmental modelling, environmental data analysis, landscape or geo-ecology, environmental/ecological economics or statistical analysis. Software skills related to R, database management and model development are assumed to form the technical background. We expect very good written and oral communication skills in English. Ability for working in an international interdisciplinary team is obligatory.

We offer:

• Excellent research opportunities within an interdisciplinary, international team located in a very pleasant city.

• Funds for support through student internships.

Further information will be provided by: Dr. Florian Eppink ( or Prof. Dr. Ralf Seppelt (

For PhD positions: The positions will be located in Leipzig. Salary will be according to the appropriate German civil service level (50%) (TVöD), Entgeltgruppe 13. The PhD students participate in the newly established Graduate School HIGRADE (

Women are explicitly encouraged to apply to increase their share in science and research. Physically handicapped people will be favoured if they are equally qualified.

Please send your complete application documents (curriculum vitae, certificates of academic degrees and reprints of most important publications) with reference to the appropriate code digit. Please email your application with all documents in a single pdf-file that clearly states your name and the reference number of this job description (e.g. Smith_24_2011.pdf) to Florian Eppink and or by mail to Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Personalabteilung, PF 50 01 36, D-04301 Leipzig, Germany.”

Author: Horea Olosutean