5 posturi de doctorand în Austria

Universitatea din Viena scoate la concurs 5 posturi de doctorand în etologie, subvenţionate complet de statul austriac prin Austrian Science Fund. Redau mesajul original pentru eventualii doritori.

“5 PhD Positions in Animal Cognition and Communication
In recent years, Vienna has become an increasingly important centre for
behavioral and cognitive research, with a strong research focus on
comparative cognitive biology (cognitive ethology). The Austrian Science
Fund (FWF) and the University of Vienna have now supported this
development, by funding a multi-level, integrative PhD training programme
(DK) on cognition and communication in humans and non-human animals.
The goal is to train graduate students to understand cognition and
communication from a biological viewpoint, with a focus on how animals
solve real-world problems, such as dealing with conspecifics in daily
social life. Communication is studied as a window into social cognition,
allowing us to design experiments, which test specific hypotheses
developed through an innovative combination of field observations and
experiments, and laboratory work on humans and other animals.
The PhD position is fully paid by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and is
based at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna. It includes
five faculty members (T. Bugnyar, W.T. Fitch, W. Hödl, L. Huber, K.
Kotrschal) and integrates behavioral studies of multiple aspects of
cognition and communication. Although cognition research traditionally
tends to focus on mechanisms, this programme explicitly incorporates all
four of Tinbergen’s levels of analysis (phylogeny, adaptation, causation,
The trainees will learn to study animal and human behavior in a variety of
cognitive and ethological frameworks – focused on social cognition and
communication – in both the laboratory and in the field and will work with
a diversity of model species including amphibians (frogs, salamanders),
reptiles (tortoises, lizards), birds (pigeons, corvids, parrots), canids
(wolves and dogs), humans, and nonhuman primates (squirrel monkeys,
marmosets). See the following website for more information:
Letters of application including a photograph, CV, publication list, 2-3
letters of recommendation and a statement of research interests should be
sent to Mrs. Petra Pesak, Department of Cognitive Biology, University of
Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Applications by email
are particularly welcome (petra.pesak@univie.ac.at). The application
deadline is Ferbruary 15, 2011.”

Author: Horea Olosutean