Un grup de la Universitatea din Groningen caută un voluntar pentru o expediţie ştiinţifică în Africa, cu scopul de a studia păsările migratoare şi impactul schimbărilor climatice asupra acestora. Grupul asigură cazarea, transportul local şi echipamentul necesar expediţiei, dar nu şi transportul până la faţa locului sau hrana.
Pentru eventualii doritori, vă redau mesajul original, urmând a vă edifica singuri asupra tuturor condiţiilor:
A volunteer is needed to study wintering ecology of Pied flycatchers in
Ghana, West-Africa from 1 febr V (beginning/mid) April 2011.
This expedition is part of a project of the University of Groningen within
the Climate Change Ecology group of Dr. Christiaan Both in which we study the possibilities and constraints in life-cycle adaptation of long distance migrants to climate change. Our study species, the Pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca spends an important part of the annual cycle on the wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa, like many other Palearctic migrants. However, very little is known about how timing of migration depends on environmental conditions on the wintering grounds or whether these conditions carry over to affect individual survival or performance later in life.
We seek an adventurous and enthusiastic volunteer to complete our research team (3-4) for this winters expedition to help studying the ecology and spring departure of Pied flycatchers at the sub-Saharan wintering grounds.
We plan to visit at least two (woodland) areas in the Savanna zone in Ghana.
Fieldwork will include: mist-netting, (color)banding, biometric measures,
blood sampling, transect bird surveys, insect sampling, foraging behavior observations, color ring reading (with binoculars & scope) and data entry.
The applicant should be willing to spend long hours in the field (under hot weather conditions!) and have good social skills. Experience in handling birds, mist-netting, ringing OR being a keen fieldworker is required. All participants will work usually 6-7 days a week. Although the work focuses on Pied flycatchers, many other cool (resident) bird species will be seen and caught during the fieldwork! We provide housing, field equipment and local transport. Volunteers must pay own airfare and food expenses (3-4 Euros per day). A refund of flight cost might be possible (depending on pending grant applications).
To apply, please send a resume/CV (relevant details only), a cover letter (interests, career goals, relevant experience for the position and
availability) and two references with e-mail addresses to:
Janne Ouwehand
Ph.D. Student
Animal Ecology Group
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies
University of Groningen
PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren
The Netherlands
Email: J.Ouwehand@rug.nl
Office : +31 50 363 2298
+31 50 363 2298
For further info see:
http://www.rug.nl/staff/j.ouwehand/index AND
We will begin reviewing applications from 15th December 2010 and continue until position is filled.
Janne Ouwehand, janneouwehand@gmail.com”